Wednesday 27 January 2016

Genius Hour

Well, it has been a long while since my last post but here I am again, ready to share my thoughts and inspirations at the start of a new school year. 

I am excited and also a little trepidatious about introducing Genius Hour in our Yr 5 learning space this year. 

Excited about the possibilities:

  • building relationships
  • developing curiosity, creativity and critical thinking
  • questioning and solving problems
  • exploring and innovating
  • developing Habits of Mind
  • following our passions and heartbreaks
  • making and creating 
  • engaging all students
  • student centered, personalised learning
  • blogging our thoughts and reflections
and trepidatious:

  • how will it look?
  • process vs product
  • what about those paralysed by too much freedom?
  • how much scaffolding is needed?
  • thick vs thin questions
  • letting go of 'control'
I have spent many hours reading blogs, books and tweets on the subject of Genius Hour/20% time/PBL/Mastery Hour/Passion Projects etc and have found some valuable sources of inspiration and practicality, just a few of which I am listing below. Hopefully others may fib=nd them useful as well.

I am excited to see how Genius Hour unfolds not just in our Year 5 learning Space but across our school and elsewhere this year!